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tom's portfolio

My personal portfolio website. It includes projects, info about me, and some of my work experience. I built it using Next.js, React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS.

Bass Pro Shops Outdoor Fund

The Outdoor Fund section of the Bass Pro Shops cart needed a complete overhaul to make it fully mobile responive.

Doggos NFTs

Doggos is an NFT project on the Solana blockchain. I helped convert their desktop only website into one that was fully mobile responsive.

BOS Shop

The BOS Shop is a Solana NFT project that needed a front end. I used React and Next.js to create a fully responsive website based on the projects designs.

Floating Apes Affiliation

The Floating Apes NFT project needed staking, raffle, and other services. Lucky Dog Studios provided all these services via a variety of websites.

Pet SolSociety

The Pet Solciety NFT project on Solana needed a staking website. We used React and Next.js to create a staking website based on their original designs.

Smoke Heads NFTs

The Smoke Heads NFT project was built on Solana and needed a staking website and more. We created a fully responsive website based on the project's designs.

Alder Mages

The Alder Mages NFT project needed staking, raffle, upgrade, & other services. Lucky Dog Studios created all these sites using customers designs and our smart contracts.

Arcane Valley

The Arcane Valley NFT project needed staking, raffle, and other services. We created these sites using customers designs for NFTs on the Solana blockchain.

Jikan Crypto Dashboard

The Jikan NFT project wanted a crypto price dashboard the included the prices of popular NFTs. Lucky Dog Studios built one for them using data from Magic Eden.

AFI Movies NFTs

A Solana Web3 project designed to give an introduction to Solana and how to interact with the blockchain using Rust and JS libraries like Solana Web3 and Anchor.

Our Trans Kids DAO

A DAO project using the ThirdWeb DAO SDK. The front end was built with React, and the project was deployed on an Ethereum testnet.

Renaissance Shade Solana NFTs

Renaissance Shade, an NFT collection built on Solana devnet using Metaplex Candy Machine. The theme was inspired by great Renaissance art.

LoveLang NFT Collection

An Ethereum NFT project with a smart contract written in Solidity for minting the ERC721 tokens. The front end was built with React.

Laugh Portal Solidity

My first Web3 project using Solidity, Alchemy, Hardhat, and Ethers.js. The project was a simple joke portal where users could submit jokes.